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Friday, June 24, 2011

best quotes about attitude

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  • gimme_GC2006
    08-25 10:33 PM
    Can you suggest some credit unions please.

    Thank you.

    I have been using NWFCU ever since I landed in US (www.nwfcu.org)

    Try DCU also

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  • pmb76
    07-14 10:45 PM
    Abhijit, you are correct about the quotation marks. Unfortunately I had to create a new petition since I couldn't modify the old one as it was already signed. I guess I messed up and overstated certain things in the old petition.
    Sincere apologies. Please sign new petition.


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  • pappu
    12-01 06:42 PM
    Thanks for the ideas.
    Lack of contributions will reduce our investments in lobbying efforts and that will hurt our chances of overall success. In the last 3 weeks we have received just above 2K. This will be hardly of any consequence when you buy lobbying benefits from the top firm in the country. We will simply invest as much as we can get from members. If members pay us less, we will be able to get less. Provisions in the Omnibus bill are not going to be easy.

    If anyone has any doubts about how much we are feared by our opponents they can read


    Titled: 2007-11-29 DC lobbying campaign by Indian special interest groups.htm

    Now answering your points

    1) On our own IV site, we can consider adding google ads only on Forum pages. However before that we need an assessment from someone that is an expert in google ads to calculate how much we can earn via google ads. Experts in this area can contact us.
    2) Advertising is expensive and we cannot afford it. If anyone has contacts with websites, pls use those contacts and get us free space. We can put banner ads on those sites
    3) We had $20 as a minimum amount and even then we got only 300+ people to pay. Infact, since most who could have contributed more, only contributed $20 our contributions went down significantly and we were unable to keep up with the Lobbying expenses. At that time several people complained that $20 is too high and it should be $10 or $1. This has been discussed several times on the forum and we have answered many people same question. If people think the value of the effort we all are putting and the price of increasing the chances of their greencard is just worth $20 or $5, then I do not think we should even pursue this effort and even keep this website up.
    4) This is a good idea. Next time I start spotlight thread, I would request members to donate if they found the topic helpful. Likewise all active members who help others on the forum by answering their questions can request readers to consider donating if the answers were helpful.
    5) This is tough to implement without knowing who is conducting such campaign and if the person can be trusted.

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  • pswar
    10-24 04:30 PM
    I just looked at my old cases(H1Bs-I-129) and i see LUDs on them too!!! This is so weird.

    These are from my last company!
    LUD on 05/06/2006 - Approved on October 11, 2003
    LUD on 10/21/2007 - Approved on March 19, 2002

    I see LUDs but no difference in the status. They both say approval notice sent.


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  • Macaca
    03-09 12:15 PM
    I understand that IV has purchased a system (used at other places also). It may not be possible to configure it according to every requirement.

    I don't think IV has the source code for the system. Even if they have the source code, it will take a while to modify it according to all requirements.

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  • gagbag
    07-11 12:53 PM

    Is Money Behind USCIS Move To Have Department Of State Take Unprecedented Action To "Update" July Visa Chart?
    by Alan Lee, Esq.

    Was the Department of State's unprecedented action on July 2, 2007, issuing an "Update on July Visa Availability" closing off visa availability for the rest of the fiscal year for employment based cases and essentially gutting its July visa bulletin (which opened the employment based categories EB-1 through EB-3 for adjustment of status applications) all about the money with U.S.C.I.S. in the role of culprit? We believe the answer unfortunately is "yes" and reflects U.S.C.I.S.'s desperate desire to grab its huge future fee increase from individuals that it saw slipping through its fingers. U.S.C.I.S. undoubtedly perceived its expected windfall of hundreds of millions of dollars through its outlandish July 30th increase in fees for petitions and applications (average increase 66%) threatened by the July visa chart which would allow many employment based individuals and their families to beat the fee increases. A typical family of four (husband, wife, child aged 16 and the other 12) applying for adjustment of status currently pays $1,605 to U.S.C.I.S. (including I-140 charge). That same family on and after July 30th would pay $4,105, an increase of $2,500, or 255%. If one multiplies those figures by at least 100,000 ( $250 million difference),[1] one can imagine the explosive temper of top U.S.C.I.S. officials when they saw the Visa Office July chart. U.S.C.I.S. has made no bones that it is depending upon the fee increases to fund its proposed systems and structures for the 21st century.

    The Visa Office made it clear through the updating of the visa bulletin that its update was only because of U.S.C.I.S. action using the phrases "The sudden backlog reduction efforts by Citizenship and Immigration Services Offices during the past month....", and "As a result of this unexpected action....." The Visa Office cited these efforts as resulting in the use of almost 60,000 employment numbers. It is also clear that the Visa Office had no wish to defend U.S.C.I.S. when it issued its update on July 2nd. Whether it retains its stance in the future of washing its hands and pointing the finger at U.S.C.I.S. remains to be seen in light of probable Administration pressure to spin the story in a more positive light to the government as this Administration has exhibited a continual attitude of "soaking" immigrants, legal or otherwise ( $25,000+ for a family of four to immigrate under the recent fallen Senate bill ( See our article, "$10,000 Required For Earned Legalization and Adjustment Under the Secure Borders, Employment Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act", http://www.alanleelaw.com/english/articles/a2007-05-26.htm), which figure was modified from the earlier Administration proposal of $82,000+ ( See our article, "Mr. Lee's Comment to March 28, 2007 White House Immigration Reform Proposal - Z Visas", http://www.ilw.com/immigdaily/digest/2007,0403.shtm in "LETTERS" section), the passed amendment to S. 1639 raising H-1B surcharge fees to $5,000 on top of the fraud ($500) and filing ($190) fees, and the rapacious July 30th U.S.C.I.S. fee increase). The author recalls his telephone conversation with Charlie Oppenheim, the chief of immigrant visa control and reporting, Visa Office, in December 2004 concerning the 101,000 "pool numbers", in which Mr. Oppenheim gave no credence to U.S.C.I.S. figures that the agency had cleared over 100,000 cases (including dependents) between April and November. (The exact differential was 115,000 cases, a rate of about 16,400 per month). The author has no knowledge of the exact number of cases that U.S.C.I.S. claimed to close in June for the State Department to announce that almost 60,000 employment numbers were used (employment based immigrant visa numbers are also requested by U.S. consulates and embassies), but notes that the vast majority of employment based cases are with aliens in the States who adjust status here rather than consular processing their cases. If U.S.C.I.S. claimed to clear anywhere in the area of 40,000-50,000 cases last month, that number for one month is difficult if not incredulous to believe, and if true would have involved massive shifts of U.S.C.I.S. personnel from other responsibilities to comb through and adjudicate all files of persons eligible to immigrate through employment, or less than careful consideration of the cases. Hopefully the agency was not in such a desperate state as to cut corners to endanger our national security if it was the latter case.

    The facts and the legality of U.S.C.I.S.'s actions will undoubtedly be the subject of multiple lawsuits. However this turns out, the agency and the Administration will wind up with less respect than before. This Administration needs all the good publicity that it can muster in light of its unpopular Iraq war and recent actions freeing Scooter Libby (not even Paris Hilton avoided imprisonment) and supporting Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and creating further public mistrust of the justice system even after confirmation that he and other White House aides politicized the selection of United States Attorneys. Unless U.S.C.I.S. and the Visa Office can change course, this episode will unfortunately become a black eye to all parties as further facts emerge in the coming days.


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  • checklaw
    07-19 08:49 AM
    Originally Posted by azharuddinm
    Pd: Jun 2006
    Reached Nebraska: 7/2 10:25 am
    Rejected: Don Know
    Ck Cashed: Not Yet
    Name of the person signed: J.BARRRET "

    I do have the same name.
    Me too.

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  • VINJE76
    06-20 12:11 AM
    Bah. Skinned the stupid click wheel. What is it with you guys and the click wheel.. IT DOESNT WANT TO BE PAINTED

    It is called STICKERS, they go over the buttons.


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  • caliguy
    09-17 08:03 PM
    Thanks kubmilegaGC!

    I will call the senators immigration liaison tomorrow. Hopefully she will not tell me that they cannot do anything besides what they have done because that is what they told me in September last year when I got a standard response last year.

    Unfortunately nobody understands the pain and agony we are going through. For them, its just another day at the office, they couldnt care less. Nevertheless, I am going to try tomorrow.....hey, cant give up that easy.

    I will call CS again tomorrow, I dont mind being yelled at and I am gonna tell her this time that I have not opened a SR. Atleast, she will then transfer my call to a IO.

    Let's see what tomorrow has in store for me!!

    Thanks @natraj @fatjoe @Vikki @apb - thanks for all suggestions -:)

    @ cali - talk to senators's immigration liaison and explain the contradicting response(s) that you are receiving and ask if they could help - at this time lets take a diff approach - let them ping USCIS rather that you..see if that works.

    @fat - 2nd SR was for wife and we seriously think that IT did the trick

    I am wishing THE BEST for all of you who are waiting...next few days guys - you will get it! 100%

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  • chanduv23
    04-28 04:17 PM
    In ac21 law; it doesn't say anything about the scenario if 140 is revoked by employer. It is totally silent to it.

    AC21 is not a law, just a guidance. Assume an immigration case goes to court hearing, the judge would completely ignore AC21 guidelines. Any employment per AC21 will be considered unlawful in this case. The probability of a case going to court is not very common though.

    The above is just FYI.. You can google for more info.

    Don't let lack of knowledge and fear of oppression take over your "thought process".

    AC21 is a public law - 106-313 .

    AC21 can very well be challenged in court. The reason AC21 cases do not go to courts is because they are resolved through MTRs.

    The issue with all this is that we are not raising our voices loud enough about this training issue or procedural issue ant it is always the individual who deals with the case at individual level by filing MTR.

    The entire beurocracy and red tape that one has to deal with in such instances is an issue. People have to file MTR - pay legal fee, involve lawmakers if they don't get response soon, write to Ombudsman .....

    So lets stop all "speculation", "fear mongering", "own intrerpretations" and work towards helping ourselves


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  • optimist578
    03-08 04:05 PM
    So I am assuming we have a way to track who they are. Why don't we tag them - on the colored button on the top right, saying something like "xxx doesnot want to contribute but has posted 239 messages" and let people decide whether to read or ignore his message.

    With total contributions < 20% (may be lower) then Payton Boggs fees (http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/showpost.php?p=50347&postcount=4) and repeated requests to focus on financial contributions, $0 contributing members continue (with utter dis-regard to financial contributions) to post in IV forums.

    There is a member with $0 contributions but 239 posts (often non-english) containing utter nonsense. My dog can post 100 posts and become a senior member. However, my dog will be less shameless so as to avoid misusing someone's scarse resources.

    We have 97% (of 9,000) members who can not pay $20. This is when Aman has spent 30-40K and core members have spent in K's.

    The Skilled tag of IV members is only for Labor Certification. Shame on all financially non-contributing members and non-members who continue to hang here.

    How dare you find IV only when you have a question?
    How dare you get depressed and frustated on IV forums?
    How dare you continue discussing unrelated issues when we don't have finances for Patton Boggs?

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  • little_willy
    03-03 10:51 AM
    After reading through all the posts at IV, I've decided to get the Atlas America Medical insurance for my parents. This is the only comprehensive insurance I could find and most others have limited coverage. The cost is around $900 for 3 months for a $500000 policy with $2500 deductible.

    Could members who had this insurance post their experience?
    Also, is there any other comprehensive plan available for visitors?


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  • anirudh74
    02-06 02:21 PM
    Logiclife, I am sorry you are wrong.You don't need to post hour by hour update, but the update you posted today on Aman's meetings , help people to understand what really IV is doing and are necessary atleast once a fortnight.I am sure you are working in a corporate world and drive projects.The first rule on driving a big project is status meetings once every week.This helps all the stakeholders.

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  • SunnySurya
    06-11 09:13 AM
    I have some personal experience in this thing. In my case it was 750K, nevertheless a large some.
    Question for you: Were there any injuries in the accident?
    Hi Gurus,

    I need an advice from you.

    The situation:
    -- Involved in a collision few months back. As I had rear ended the vehicle, as per the investigation, it was found it was my fault(80% mine - 20% others)

    -- Now after more than 18 months, I get a law suit for 3.25 million dollars(. This was served against ppl who were involved. Right now my I have my EAD and AP and maintaining H1 status.

    So what are my options now?

    1. Check with attorney and start defending..?
    2. pack the bags and go back to my country ? If so, will there be any issues in coming back again, say after 3,4 years?
    3. What about my GC?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated and I guess it would be a biggest decision of my life ..

    PD is Nov 2006.


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  • garybanz
    11-26 01:45 PM
    Why do people stay on H1 after getting EAD

    1) Traditionally EAD was available to people who had a current PD, so staying on H1 for about an additional year did not matter much. But now if we have EAD and we need to wait for like 5 years to get the GC then the wait time is high enough for taking a calculated risk.

    2) Cost is not an issue, if at all you'll save the cost of renewing H1 again and again.

    3) I hear 485 rejections are very rare...I don't have any stats to back this point but seems like the reasons for rejections are such that a second application can't fix it. So if your 485 is rejected then you will never get a GC...again what benefit are you holding onto by staying in H1?

    4) Do not forget that usually the attorney advising you to stay on H1 is also the one who will renew the H1, so there is a vested interest in his advise. I am not suggesting that they are necessarily giving out bad advise, just that we should not forget where that advise is coming from.

    My take is that if you see a substantial change in your situation (>25% salary advantage, Starting own company etc) then you should go for using EAD. On the other hand if you have H4 Kids in school, have a house here or for any other reason not willing to take a small chance about the possibility of having to go back to the home country then you should just stay on H1.

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  • cool_guy_onnet1
    06-15 09:39 AM
    I have an appointment with Murthy's attorney next week. SInce we have limit on PM I would suggest making a yahoogroup thread and include those in the same boat. My PD is Sep 05 EB2 India . it's pretty bad for me :-) Getting married next March (just need to find the gal - kidding ;-) )
    Lets talk with our respective attorneys and separate attorney's personal benefit from this.
    Ofcourse, all the Attorneys will tell you NOT TO DO CP SINCE THEY CANT CHARGE THIS Matthew Oh GUY and others want you to do 485 so they can milk more money out of you.
    Email me at cool_guy_onnet@yahoo.com and I would setup something for "485 kawares"

    To raaj2007, just getting an EAD does not nullify your H1, but if you use EAD you loose H1. Go and check with your attorney. If you use EAD you cannot enter US using H1 or H4, you have to use Advance parole.

    Adding to the replies to other post

    (i) I heard after filing 485 I could change employers? Yes or no? If yes, then which state would I be in? (EAD, AP or none)?
    Answer - You can change employer after 180 days of pending 485 using AC 21 and you would be in EAD and use AP to enter US
    (ii) After filing 485, do I HAVE to get my wife into US before the dates retrogress again?? Whoa never heard that...are you sure?
    Answer -Yes, if you dont, you would not be able to file for her if the dates retrogresses again, also to file 485 for your wife , she should be in US at the time of filing 485.
    (iii) Is there no step after 485 filing that I can keep postponing to not let 485 approve (like delaying 485 fingerprinting multiple times) so that I can let 485 approve only after I am married and can bring my wife in?
    Answer - No, you cannot postpone it on your own will. But if your marriage date is before 485 approval (even one day) and tour wife could not make it to US, she can come to US using follow to join process. That process is also available if PD are current. In that scenario you ask USCIS to send US consulate in India to send a notice that the principal applicant's 485 has been approved and since the marriage was before 485 approval, she should be called for Interview at the US consulate in India and given the immigrant VISA, The Follow to join process is like Consular Processing.

    Hope I answered your doubts.


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  • paskal
    05-24 10:03 PM
    Doesnt consulting clause remove most of the Indian companies from the picture anyways?

    only time will tell...

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  • Refugee_New
    08-02 12:18 PM
    Hello guys please let me know if i am eligible for filing WoM.

    My case details are:
    EB2, PD 02/12/2002.
    I-485 RD: 06/06/2007 and ND: 06/15/2007

    I have converted my EB3 PD to EB2. Last month i applied for EAD renewal thinking that it might trigger my GC approval(some people still believe in this)

    Today i received my EAD with 2 yrs extension. I consider this as a bad sign because USCIS clearly states that if the visa is unavailable then they will issue 2 yr EAD.

    In my case my PD has been current since i filed 485 except two months in this year when EB2 was U.

    I have opened 3SRs(on march, april, june 08), went for infopass once, written letters to 3 senators and 2 representatives on july 7th, 2008, sent fax to NSC, also sent letters to NSC and NSC director twice, called NSC several times. I could not get any status update other than the regular response(case is pending and waiting to be assigned)

    After taking all these efforts i recently received response for one of the SRs(for june 08) stating these type of cases taking time for approval and i need to wait patiently.

    I dont know if i can wait anymore because i have been waiting for close to 7 yrs.

    Now in this situation can you guys please let me know what i should do and what should be my next move?

    Do you guys think i am eligible to file WoM? if yes please guide me on how to do it.

    Thank you so much guys. Looking for some help.

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  • DariusMonsef
    05-31 04:16 AM
    Desert Sunset.

    (I already entered mine, but I was having too much fun so I thought I would just share and inspire the rest of you.)

    01-31 10:29 PM
    However I asked the same question again on hillaryclinton.com for the voice across america townhall

    01-30 05:07 PM
    it is at 22 now. I will post this on the so.Cal chapter

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