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Friday, June 24, 2011

friendship and love poems

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  • coopheal
    01-09 03:23 PM
    All we Desi's want is a free ride, same old mentality, don't want to put in any diligence in this matter, but very quick on pointing short comings on others. Blame game!


    Make monthly monetary contribution for IV as a start.......

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  • jnraajan
    03-13 11:43 AM

    Allow me to respond to your message. But before I do that, will request you to please remove the advertisement to your website - which in my opinion is divisive. IV is not just for Indians or for people from any one country/geographical location. Hope you would agree and do the necessary at your earliest convenience.


    Sure. It has been done

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  • Sreeshankar
    05-01 04:12 PM
    Today I have seen soft lud on my 485 application, My pd is dec06 eb2-India, I have called uscis IO she updated my address and she told me that they are waiting for visa number once visa number is available they are working on my case, I asked her why I got soft LUD, she replied that IO opened my file and find out that country VISA number is not available. Because they touch my file I got soft LUd.


    Please could you people kindly post which service center is it - TSC or NSC ?
    Thank you very much.

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  • tonyHK12
    04-01 03:13 PM
    Donated $50
    Transaction ID for this payment is: 2H217274GV995754H.


    thanks Jimytomy for supporting your fellow EB2, EB3 filers campaigning in DC

    We still need to raise more than $20,000 for this event, happening on April 4th and 5th


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  • willwin
    06-13 12:35 PM
    EB3 India is in a bad shape because of lot of backlog. I do not see relief for people with latter PD in many years to come.
    EB2 India is also not expected to have good movement for the next few months.

    So people who spend time on sites to track are wasting their time in my opinion.

    IV is people affected and not just core members. Core members , chapter leaders also have their own jobs that pays salary and life and each one of us can only devote so much time to IV. The best strategy for all of us is to work on resolving the problem and not leave it for others to deal with it.

    What each member can do:

    1- Take part in IV action items. We currently have a couple of bills. There is a slim chance with this bills if only we can get more cosponsors and get CHC support.

    2- Raise awareness of IV. More members will mean more people will take part in our campaigns.

    3- Contribute to IV. We have a funding drive that is currently begging for attention. With meager funds we cannot even afford to do our limited lobbying.

    4- Be an active IV member: If nothing at else, be regular on IV. More visitors on IV means more revenue for IV from banner ads. This revenue is used towards lobbying and website maintenance expenses. Other sites with banner ads use that money for their own, but IV uses that money for lobbying. Several thousand visitors everyday means a good amount of money generated via ad revenue ( I could not believe it when I heard it the first time). If you like tracking, then use IV tracker and help make it successful. PLEASE Put your real dates in your profile.Money from ads on it will be used for our lobbying .

    5- Develop state chapters furthers. members can get active and build their state chapters further themselves. It can be great for making friends and networking too. We want to develop this further and need member's help.

    6- Do not leave IV when you get your greencard. IV is a community and be a part of it. Help others who are suffering like you yourself suffered once. When we have lot of greencard holder members, we can even expand the scope of our work and include items like 'I140 approval date should be counted as a date for 5 year citizenship eligibility' etc...

    7- Consider IV as your home and join the effort in whichever way you can. Bring in new ideas and take leadership to implement them.


    Thanks for the post and your time!

    1. "PLEASE Put your real dates in your profile" There is no provision to put dates for CP filers!! All the dates are for 485 filers.

    Though it is proven time and again that CP filers are the least needed people on this forum (next to EB3 I - going by this thread), it is unfair not reserving few columns on the profile for CP filers ... It doesn't cost VISA numbers for that...

    2. I have told this before but would like to repeat now... I don't contribute because there is nothing for CP filers here. VISA recapturing is the only effort that would benefit CP filers but anyway the chances of that bill passing is close to 0.

    In my opinion, the biggest sufferers are people in EB3 India or China and who have opted for CP (now guys, don't start lecturing on CP vs. 485. We have heard it enough).

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  • kevinkris
    08-19 02:11 PM
    As you are no more a desi.. lol..

    Finally I am a US citizen after being 10+ years in this country. This is one of my biggest fulfillments and it means everything to me. US is just not home anymore for me, it is my country.

    I wish everyone the best and hope they get GC very soon.

    Proud to be an indian-american and legal immigrant.

    Good Luck!


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  • go_guy123
    01-29 05:14 PM
    I am no expert on this but if labor substitution is eliminated it will remove anywhere from 30 to 50% of labor cleared from BEC. I know a lot of people who have applied for labor 2 to 3 times, they applied for a new labor every time they went to a new employer. It is these extra labor certifications that are being sold

    Its a good thing....these old labors are now selling 10K upwards

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  • sriharirag
    07-18 01:13 PM
    From Greg's blog:


    Some of you have been concerned about my post regarding the rejection of some applications received on July 2nd. I've been checking and it seems to be true that some cases were sent back that day. Apparently, the number of cases sent back is small, however, so that is good news. And you should have received the case back by now if you're in that group. For everyone else, the way you will likely find that your case is being processed will be if the check is cashed. I would give this a few days and keep checking with the bank to see if the payment has cleared and this will be a lot faster in all likelihood than waiting on a receipt. Obviously, check with your lawyer on this.


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  • trueguy
    08-12 09:09 PM
    It won't help, if everyone starts porting, EB-2 queue will face a similar situation. Porting doesn't happen soon either. With delays in I-140 processing, it may be close to 2 years before you could file for a fresh I-485 with a request to port the EB-3 priority date. Note, this is a grey area and doesn't guarantee you the old PD. If the company is willing to foot the bill, go for it or else IMO it is not worth spending your own money.

    Legislative or Administrative fix is our best option. We should focus on the recapture bill and other initiatives by IV, contribute and participate in the action items. We, as a community should raise enough money for lobbying etc.,

    If you stay in EB3-I then you are the last one to get the VISA. If you port it to EB2-I then you put EB3-ROW behind and you get in line first in EB2-I bcoz you will have older PD.

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  • gcgreen
    08-13 07:39 PM
    your title is misleading. where is the "plight" that you refer to?
    Also, EB2 applies to jobs that require a Masters degree as well, not just PhD.

    An MS can be completed in as little as 9 months (YES, 9 months, if you apply for MS in a school that follows quarter system and complete coursework but no thesis) for majors like Electrical and Computer Engineering. So what is the plight for folks who completed MS in say 9 months to 2 yrs, and how is it different from the plight of EB3 folks?

    Yes, that is right, I said �plight of EB2-India�.

    I am a passive observer of these forums. But some of the ridiculous notions floating around here have motivated me to vent. First and foremost, the law as written is highly favorable to people in EB3 categories, even from India. Here is how...

    Take my example (and there are thousands like myself)....came to the US 8 years ago, spent 5 years working day and night to earn a PhD on a low (barely sustainable) stipend, got FIRST job saw decent money for the first time 6 years after I came.

    Now, compare this to a person working an EB3-job for the last 8 years. Not only does this person do a real job that hopefully provides a respectable income but this person also has the option of moving to EB2 after 5 years of experience. So, at the end of the day in 2008; this person comes out ahead of me in terms of money, in terms of priority date (if ported) and most likely in terms of GC.

    There are complaints all over the forum which have the stink of pretentiousness such as �oh..i am a poor EB3 waiting for n number of years� etc etc. What you guys seem to forget is that YOU are NOT an EB3, it is your JOB that is EB3. You have all the opportunities that were/are available to a person who sweated it out in the university system here to gain more qualifications and get an EB2 job. You CHOSE not to. The general discussion seems to center around cribbing about the US immigration system (Immigration by the way is a privilege defined by laws, not a birthright) and then blaming the EB2 crowd when they finally see the system implement the law as intended in the first place (horizontal spillover rules).

    All these posts that refer to �my career is over because my gc is delayed� are nothing but a pathetic excuse. Law of supply and demand....if you have a skillset that is valuable, you will be fine with or without GC anywhere in the world. It takes a bunch of documents to remain here legally, all you need is a passport to go back if the system here seems so bad.

    For all the attacks that are bound to happen, here is the fodder.....this is probably my first and last post, I haven�t contributed a dime to IV, will work here as long as I like it and if not, India is a great country and provides enough opportunities for any skillset !!


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  • desi3933
    08-22 12:39 PM
    And if I am really and sincerely proud of my country of origin I would not become citizen of other country in spite of any attractive lure. It is that simple.

    Well, that's your choice and I respect that. Thanks for sharing with us.

    BTW - What I said in post is I am proud of heritage and culture of my country-of-origin. You are mixing two different things, IMHO.

    Good Luck and Wish you the very best!

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  • bigboy007
    07-18 05:40 AM
    Dude, You might be a new entry in to the ball of Immigration now. As said earlier , every one is free to judge and post the queries. If IV is shutting door of any questions you wouldnt have seen forum threads. There is enough discussion and direction taken on information being released to ALL members. Why one should complain IV not doing anything ?

    here are some atleast, immaterial you agree or not:

    1. If ppl are reaping benefits of EAD for multiple years , its becoz of IV.
    2. whole of July fiasco was a win becoz of IV , not sure whether you are in the boat, but i can see the pain and how IV helped all of us.
    3. all the admin fixes were co-ordinated by IV ,
    4. The list goes on.. those 3 above are just enough to prove the help an ORGANIZATION did with minimal resources. Also please note none of the core are full time IV , they are also ppl like you and me.

    Reason one has donor forum is becoz they are trusted sources. How can one know that you are pro-immigrant or anti-immigrant.

    You would see dialy or minutes updates on sites of anti-immigrants becoz they have dedicated members and number base is too high.

    Again , no one is shutting door against you, looking at your post i see you are shutting door against yourself just becoz your idea of Fax through AILA is not acceptable as an IV agenda.

    Do you know first of all what provisions in CIR 2007 were in there which would have broke the back of ppl on H1 and potential immigrants? Can you confirm which provisions of CIR 2009 if there be one will help you ? will you support CIR even if it says you have to go back to india in no time ? AILA never mentioned in first place whether it would support EB community.

    Plain simple, we pay Dollars even to newspaper ... You dont want to contribute for your own cause but get info for free and prove that will raise for your own cause. Those newsletters are for your benefit and collectively for the whole community.

    Still IV is posting info to non-paying members , IV Never shuts its door but with limited resources they are doing what they can. Before complaining on IV you do your part. :cool:

    Hope this helps you to rethink differently...

    Also , FYI... AILA doesnt post all messages to free members .. all the critical info is circulated via PAID members of AILA.. this is part of any organization ... Can you complain against AILA, becoz if you are FREE member of AILA you still get emails like the one reg. Fax to CIR... There is a lot going in background for CIR than many of us even know...

    Paskal, You are right - I do not understand. But mostly I cannot understand because as an organisation - you do not explain. Frankly, all I can do is register my disappointment at both your response and your attitude.While I get it that IV is actively involved in doing things over the years aimed at resolving this issue, I might feel that I could respect and maybe even understand these efforts better if IV kept its website up to date and all members who sign in updated on what's happening.

    I have often seen threads on this site that have members complaining that IV is not doing anything - to which invariably the response is that one should join the donor forum. On the other hand we get newsletters from admin that ask up to tighten our belts etc. - and get more involved. Well, that cannot happen unless IV provides more updated information on what IV is actually doing, veiled references to behind the scenes activity and years of hard work are not enough to involve all those who have signed up here to become 'more involved'.

    As for this discussion going nowhere I could not agree more - you see to have an open discussion or indeed debate - there must be at least 2 willing participants. And since you have already decided that you do not have time for the Qs of a mere non-paying member of this forum, I do not expect any better.

    By the way, the way ahead is not to close doors, but to welcome questions and encourge those on this forum with curiosity to be more active. More often than not, I have seen that those who Q on this forum, are mocked, ignored, and treated as if they are wasting CORE's time. Sad for a forum that hopes to involve a wider audience in this issue.



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  • absaarkhan
    10-09 02:15 PM
    Hi Mirchiseth,
    Thanks for sharing the Info on your Case.
    This is Indeed a very good news.
    So far we have 2 Successful Cases wherein H1B Transfer was done
    Successfully after Candidate Entered US on Advance Parole.

    Hi All

    I have been following this thread for the last few days and wanted to share some info. Hoping it would be useful.

    I entered the country in Jan 08 using the AP while I was still working for my GC sponsoring employer. Then in June 08 I joined another employer by transferring my H1B to the new employer. I did have the option of using EAD but I wasn't sure if the renewal will come before the expiry of current EAD. So decided to transfer H1 and my new employer graciously agreed to it.

    We did a premium transfer so got the approval in 2 weeks. Money does wonders (Almost like the proverbial paper weight with files). I confirm that the I94# number on I797 approval notice is same as the I94# number I got when entering the country in Jan 08.

    So this should be a good news for folks who are trying to do the same. I am in a different boat right now. I have to travel to India this November. I plan to return using AP. But now my employer is different from my GC sponsoring employer. Another issue is that I am going only for two weeks while my wife will be in India till Mid Jan. So we will enter US separately using AP. Please share your thoughts if you have been in this situation.

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  • eb3India
    03-08 11:45 AM
    Like I said, you have to give some credit to the Irish. They have the chutzpah of going to lawmaker's offices in DC and say "I am an illegal...I broke the laws and overstayed my visa...please change to law to make everything ok again for me please...". And our community thinks that someone is listening to their phone conversation about how to raise money and lobby for the legal immigrants?????

    I think it all boils down to how desparate we are for GCs, many people here on H1 just want to count their valid H1 visa and multiply them by thier montly savings,

    but Irish and many illegals itz a do or die situation they are smart people to knock on law makers door, before law-enforcing people knock on thier doors


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  • aranya
    07-03 10:40 AM
    We do see such threads on the forum occasionally where the employee is being cheated/asked to sign a contract/is not being paid on bench/employer is threatening etc etc... There are several instances where members have posted negative comments about consulting companies and how employees are unhappy working for them.

    Is this really true?

    I want to understand the reasons why people are not filing lawsuits against such companies yet? Why are we not reporting them to DOL and USCIS? Especially after filing I485 and expiry of 6 months, people are in a better position to file lawsuits against such employers.

    IV can help only if people are willing to be helped and ready to take action.

    If this system needs to be cleansed, then why aren't we doing it?

    Sometimes the employee's hands are not clean either - they would have falsified the credentials and the employer takes advantage of that fact. The employee complains here that his employer is "blood-sucking" monster in human form.
    As I said this happens sometimes, not all times, and certainly I am not suggesting all employers are good. So please dont flame me.

    I support this discussion of how to get back at bad employers.

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  • Macaca
    11-12 01:11 PM
    Grassley Is Off the Mark (http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB119465330149488684.html) Wall Street Journal, Nov 10, 2007

    Sen. Charles Grassley (R., Iowa) apparently didn't read your "The Grassley Visa Tax "editorial of Nov. 2 ("Investing in America, Making Things Worse," letters to the editor, Nov. 8). His first two paragraphs made statements that were blatantly false. Spoken like a true politician.

    No successful business hires an H-1B visa holder just to fire an American worker. Because of the shortage of trained and competent workers, high tech workers are paid the prevailing wage rates. Sen. Grassley is overlooking the term of the H-1B visas. No business wants to train a worker who will leave in a short time. Successful businesses are built on the expertise of long term experienced workers. H-1B workers are attractive because there are not skilled Americans available.

    Sen. Grassley should consider the interests of the country as a whole instead of pandering to special interests and he should consider legislation to improve the performance of Americans instead of making false accusations to polish his image.

    Claude Rumsey
    Las Vegas


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  • vactorboy29
    06-11 04:26 PM
    --> --> --> --> --> --> --> -->
    Myself car1 car2 car3 car4 car5 car6 car7

    As describe by you above scenario .how come even your fault when car 7 or all other front car come stand still or go below road posted speed. I would argue that car7 is the initiator and reason to disturb traffic not you even if hit from back side and cause ripple effect. I would say car7 is at major fault and you should defend your case and sue all upfront car drivers for not violating traffic rules and causing this much inconvenience.

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  • gsgskms
    11-06 09:31 AM
    can you guys please post the 1800 # with right options to find out whether my I-485 is stuck in name check or not? thanks in advance for your help.

    No LUD since April 2005, how about that?

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  • Macaca
    01-29 07:14 PM
    could it be that ppl will not be able to sneak in with pre-approved labor now? if there is a significant number doing that, the PDs will move faster. Congrats IV on this achievement!

    I don't understand the movement of PD at all.

    The only way I can explain is that PD depends on approved LC before PD. Such persons can apply for GC because they are current.

    07-12 09:35 AM

    How about start or finish the rally with US National Anthem ?

    This will get a lot of attention. Above all it will show 'Legal Immigrants' different + communicate a lot.

    Also encourage to get more American friends.

    You can have a CHAI after the rally !

    Good Luck.

    07-18 10:07 AM
    Date Delivered To USCIS: July 2
    Time Delivered To USCIS: 10.30 AM
    Service Center: NSC
    Rejected: Dont Know

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